our prices

Choose your stay

Room rates

Informations and services

  • Discount of 5€/person less per night (except July and August)
  • Additional person not accepted (except baby under 3 years old)
  • Bathroom linen and guest soap are provided, the beds are made.
  • Tourist taxes: €0.88/adult/night.
  • Animals are not allowed.

Rates for lodgings

Information and services

  • Low season: from October to April (minimum 3 nights)
  • Mid season: May, June and September (minimum 4 nights)
  • High season: July and August (minimum 5 nights)
    For rates for a duration other than one week, contact us.
  • Cleaning included (minimum maintenance requested).
  • Towels and guest soap provided, beds are made.
  • Tourist taxes: €1.10/adult/night.
  • Animals are not allowed. Parties are prohibited.

House price

Information and services

  • For rates lasting less than a week, contact us.
  • Cleaning included (minimum maintenance requested).
  • Towels and guest soap provided, beds are made.
  • Tourist taxes: 1.71€/adult/day.
  • A deposit of 1000€ is required
  • Animals are not allowed.

Domaine reservation formulas

* We live (4 generations) and work on site, so the privatization only indicates that the domain is not shared with other clients.
Consequently, all common areas (excluding accommodation) will be closed at midnight. Parties with DJs and music are not permitted.
The House “Le Moulin du Val des Nymphes” is located 1 km away, its rental is not included in the privatization, but it is possible.

Experiences of the Domaine

  • Table d'hôtes 30€/ Person
  • Gourmet plate 19€/ Person
  • Truffle weekend 540€/ 2 People
  • Agricultural, sporting and recreational services Quotation
  • Room rental slot for our guests Quotation

How to book?

Contact us by email, telephone or by filling out this contact form



Contact form

Tell us about your request and we will respond to you as soon as possible.